Monday, October 22, 2012

Long Store Project Presentation Oct 25th

Sherrill Rosoff and Holly Bradman from the Restored Homestead Co. will be making a final presentation regarding their assessment of the Long Store building.  They will share with us the historic significance of the Long Store along with their surprising discoveries.  In the second part of their presentation they will have proposals and suggestions for the reconstruction of the Long Store.  They will be assisted by David Whitcomb from the Historical Society.  Dave took over 200 photographs documenting each phase of the disassembly of the Long Store including the previously unknown "beehive oven".

Anyone and everyone who were involved in the Long Store project and meetings should attend.  It should be very interesting! The Long Store presentation will be held on Thursday, October 25th at 7:00 pm in the meeting room at The Littleton Police Station on Great Road (across from the Long Store site).

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Littleton Historical Society Seeks Photos for 300th Anniversary Book, and Archives

Be a contributor to Littleton’s “photo album” of pictures showing how the town has grown and changed. The Historical Society invites residents to share their pictures of the town’s people, places, and events – photos which indicate the history of our community and its spirit. Photographs are needed for the Historical Society’s Book to be published in 2014 for the town’s 300th Anniversary, and to add to the coverage, quality and quantity of photographs in its collection.

Once you have selected photographs to share, please make a list of each photo on a piece of paper and identify, if possible, the location, names of people, date when taken, and who took each picture. You can bring the photos and your list to the Historical Society any Wednesday afternoon from 1 to 4 PM (except the day before Thanksgiving, or on the first and third Saturdays of the month from 10 AM to Noon. Photographs will be scanned and returned to you. Owners will be asked to sign a release form for the Society to use digital copies for possible inclusion in the 300th Anniversary Book, and keep them in its collection. The original photos will be available in about a week for owners to pick them up at the Society.

Help preserve the history of Littleton by looking through family pictures and selecting those that show various aspects of life in Littleton. Subject matter could include, but is not limited to: typical daily life; unusual scenes, perhaps related to special events/weather, other; WWI, WWII, Korean and Vietnam Wars, Iraq and Afghanistan Conflicts; agriculture (past and present); town organizations; businesses; recreational activities/events; individuals who have made an important contribution to the town. The list goes on and on – limited only by your own imagination. For questions or more information, please call the Society at 978-486-8202 or e-mail You may also contact Ann Himmelberger at 978-742-5960, or

Thank you for providing the photos worth thousands of words to show the history and spirit of Littleton. 

Seeking Volunteers for 300th Book

Littleton Historical Society’s 300 Book Has New Volunteer Opportunities

Would you like to get involved with publishing the Book of Littleton’s history for the 300th Anniversary? The Book Committee invites interested volunteers to join the project in any of the following capacities:

  • Assistant to work with current editor – position requires someone with extensive experience in editing, and who has vision and enthusiasm, problem-solving abilities, and good interpersonal skills. Experience in preparing history-related publications is a plus.

  • Writers and researchers to prepare articles about Littleton’s history, especially in the years between 1960 and 2012.

The 300 Book Group was organized in May 2010. Its members are enthusiastic and work collaboratively to prepare accurate historical information about the town’s past.  The work is challenging and rewarding. Members support each other and are a great group to work with.
If you are interested, please call Ann Himmelberger, Chair of the Book Committee, at or 978-742-5960 for more information about these opportunities.