Monday, May 21, 2012


May 1941
"The report from the gasoline rationing registration of last week shows 530 ration cards issued.  On Thursday the registration did not close at 6 o'clock as planned, for the registrars were kept busy until 9:30.  On Friday the schools were closed so that the teachers might have an opportunity to catch up with their school work."

May 1942
" Sugar rationing has been taking place the past week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  The schools were dismissed at noon each day as all the teachers served as the registrars.  It may be of interest to townspeople to know when the first four stamps in the book can be used.  Stamp one from May 5 through May 16;  stamp two from May 17 through May 30; stamp three May 30 through June 27.  these stamps must be used within the specified time.  They can not be carried over from one period to the next"

Village Improvement

May 1906 Littleton Guidon
"W.H. Tarbell, landscape gardener of Lowell, was in town for business on Friday lasat, and among other things set nearly one hundred stakes, dotting places for trees, vines and shrubs to be placed on the roadway park south of the town hall.  Saturday afternoon an energetic brigade spade or pick axe in hand, were there to help place the trees and other contributions that have been donated by some of the generous ones of the town.   The varietes of trees planted were red, white and swamp oaks, paper maples, white or native and Norway pines, white birches and willows. "

Littleton Judge

Littleton Guidon May 1907

"The citizens of Littleton are feeling much pride and satisfaction in the recent appointment of one of her sons to the judgeship of the superior court bench.

George A Sanderson, who has that honor, was born in the old Sanderson homestead in the town, July 1, 1863.  He is the only son of Hon. George W. and Charlotte E. Tuttle Sanderson, being of the fifth generation of the name born in that house.  The Sandersons settled there in 1750, and his mother's ancestors came to Littleton contemporaneously.

Trolleys in Littleton?

In May 1903 the following article appeared in the Littleton Guidon
"Four surveyors have been hard at work this week on plans for the electric road.  Beginning at the square in front of Baptist church, their measurements have been up Goldsmith St as far as the Daniel Fletcher place, where they strike the valley and avoid a steep hill or tow.  We shall never be sure how they will go until the rails are laid and clinched down hard."  Was the electric road ever completed?   stay tuned.